Food for thought

Sitting with my feelings

For the record, I have a love/hate relationship with emotions, I wish I could turn them off but they are also a part of who I am. Believe it or not I’m learning to love myself and even like myself! what a concept, self love.

There is a huge benefit to leaning into my emotions, it’s that I heal faster and level up sort of, does that make sense? I’m allowed to feel things as deeply as I need to so that I can be happier and more like myself long term. As my friends say, you gotta feel to heal, but in the moment it fucking sucks! If something causes me to be sad, that emotion often interrupts my day and if I constantly suppress then I won’t get anything done. And I’m an adult, with a 5 year old son, and jobs, responsibilities, etc so I NEED to heal so I can take care of that boy. I love him to death but I don’t want him to have the mental problems that I do so, in order to be the best dad I can be, I need to heal from my shit. That boy of mine deserves the best version of me, so I’m gonna sit with my feelings and address them.

I hate sitting when I’m anxious, my body needs to move, and it’s frustrating to HAVE to pause so that I can organize my thoughts and emotions and discover the root issue. Sigh, so busy in my mind lately but that’s ok, because it’s not forever and I’m feeling great 80% of the time.

anywho, I’m making pork fajitas/tacos tonight and I’m very excited to eat.

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