Food for thought

Slippery slope

Oftentimes this phrase is used to indicate a negative thing but I am thinking positively about dieting and exercise. Roughly a year and a half ago I stopped strict keto for a few reasons, one of those being my fatigue levels in my workouts were high. Fast forward to now, I am hitting a groove […]

Food for thought

What if you suck at your hobbies?

Are you supposed to be good at your hobbies? What do you do if you suck at them? Do you still continue?This is something on my mind this morning. As someone with adhd and other mental ailments I feel the need to occupy my mind with a lot of hobbies. I’m okay at some of […]

Food for thought

Surviving the holidays

This life, this earthly experience, is really fucking hard and unfair. We all have to grind to navigate the obstacles that are thrown at us. I used to think life was full of wonder, but lately my mind has been clouded by doubt and heartache. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, but all […]

Food for thought


Ya know, I try to always have this positive outlook in life but the adult experience has not been easy lately.My mother passed away in July and carrying on with that grief has been horrific at best. I’ve learned to cope by celebrating her in my actions.One of those actions is cooking. My mother was […]

Food for thought

Mental health updates

Oooh, what a cryptic headline! What could he mean? Who is he now? What has changed? Not much, I’m just happy. I have the Lord to thank, my son, my friends, ashwaganda vitamins, a consistent gym routine, a supportive group chat where I can vent my mental health frustrations to, proper diet. I don’t have […]

Food for thought

Back to keto, with some tweaks

I don’t care how much muscle I put on due to adding carbs to my diet but I am tired of not losing weight. So a couple weeks ago I went back to keto eating and I have since dropped SEVEN POUNDS of (i’m assuming water) weight. Now the cons… My workouts are EXHAUSTING and […]

Food for thought

Weight gain and overall frustration

I truly don’t know what’s happening with me. I feel like i’m spiraling out of control, I will have 2 or 3 days of clean eating then I will fall off the wagon and binge. I know it’s a mental health thing, I have to be better, I will be better, I will succeed, I […]

Food for thought

What now?

This may come as a shock considering my lengthy history with keto, but I have switched to macro tracking and using a fitness app to better my strength training. Yes, i’ve heard the yells, “How dare he!?” I’ve heard the laments of the keto community, “He has abandoned us!” I benefit from having strong counsel […]

Food for thought

Delusions of grandeur

Hi, my name is nathan beck and i’ve decided to be completely delusional for 2023. My head will be in the clouds for all of this new year and hopefully the following year as well. Call it farfetched but I am welcoming all blessings and manifesting great things for myself and my son. I am […]

Food for thought

Life is so hard

This 2012 Tumblr ass post.