Food for thought

Surviving the holidays

This life, this earthly experience, is really fucking hard and unfair. We all have to grind to navigate the obstacles that are thrown at us. I used to think life was full of wonder, but lately my mind has been clouded by doubt and heartache. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, but all […]

Food for thought

Mental health updates

Oooh, what a cryptic headline! What could he mean? Who is he now? What has changed? Not much, I’m just happy. I have the Lord to thank, my son, my friends, ashwaganda vitamins, a consistent gym routine, a supportive group chat where I can vent my mental health frustrations to, proper diet. I don’t have […]

Food for thought

Delusions of grandeur

Hi, my name is nathan beck and i’ve decided to be completely delusional for 2023. My head will be in the clouds for all of this new year and hopefully the following year as well. Call it farfetched but I am welcoming all blessings and manifesting great things for myself and my son. I am […]

Food for thought

Coming out of a depression phase

Well hi! Long story short, the past few weeks have been extremely difficult for me mentally. My mental health is important so here are some things that have helped me recover from a depressive episode or whatever it’s called: I could probably write a bit on the last bullet point, but I feel better when […]

Food for thought

Moments of clarity

The past 3-4 months have been heavy emotionally at times, I will often wake up sad like that is the expectation. News is heavy, life is heavy, and meanwhile I’m being triggered into emotional trauma and it’s all very heavy. But the past week I’ve reconnected with God and it’s been refreshing. He’s given me […]

Food for thought

I attract love and goodness

Over the past several weeks I’ve noticed more and more people gravitate towards me, at random even! What does it all mean? Especially the last week, I was in line at a gas station when someone started complimenting my tattoos and I look back and he’s got this awesome neck tattoo so we got to […]


NYC recap

For my 34th birthday, I flew to New York City just for fun and had an eventful and fun weekend filled with laughter and FOOD. I didn’t eat keto but I had some NY staples: pizza, bagels, street food, etc. So much amazing food and the culture in NYC is just dynamite, always moving. I […]


All of a sudden, I was happy.

Nearly all of my gym sessions are therapy in a way. I hate when people say that about things but what I mean is I am often very focused at the gym. I seldom get acknowledged, and I prefer it that way because I’m dealing with mental battles while I’m there. I go there to […]


Space for healing

Received a lovely reminder this week that healing is not linear. It was a few minor triggers but unfortunately it was hell for a few moments within my mind, a drastic decrease compared to 6 months ago however thank God. Making time for my mental health can be tricky, given that I still am (tepidly) […]


Portland energy

I wrote this blog on the plane back in early November: Another spirituality post, I joked to friends that I would likely end up learning a spiritual lesson on this trip. Sure enough I learned a few… What a wild trip it was, I saw some old friends, met some new ones, and enjoyed feeding […]