
I felt the sadness leave.

This is going to be written in reverse, as a lot of healing has happened today. It had been a few days since I had a trauma trigger but I had some self-hate exposed to the light this afternoon. The result is starting today I am going to have a delusional love for my body […]


Challenging exercise

Pushing myself and my body feels both grueling and exhilarating. It’s amazing for my mentals, the rush I feel after exercising is fantastic. I recently switched to a full body workout, no more upper body and lower body, just my entire existence getting some gains. I posted my full body workout on my instagram where […]


Different forms of self care

I will scratch and claw and push myself just to get a boost of serotonin. I will go do things outside of my comfort zone because I feel like trying new things is good, and if it fails then I can joke about it. Often times I’ll get caught endlessly scrolling social media looking for […]



I was watching my 4 year old today while we were playing pretend before bed, he’s just happy to be here with me. That’s kind of cool, I feel valued, but also he’s not worried about anything else other than hanging out with me in that moment. I need a lot of that energy in […]


Ketovore sample size

Extremely small sample size, but in roughly a week of prioritizing high fat animal products I feel good! Maybe it’s placebo effect but I’m going to try it for a month solid and evaluate. About 3-4 pounds have come off so far, but that seems like water weight mostly, (the whoosh) I’ll continue to monitor. […]


Keto gains?

Do I really want to become a bodybuilder? I don’t really want to be competitive or anything, I just enjoy focusing on muscles and seeing how I look in the mirror. I posted on my instagram story about how I want to look, I envision a buff boy when I look in the mirror. I […]


Simple cast iron salmon

The ingredients: cooking fat/oil salmon side salt/seasoning pepper Pretty easy, this was my first time cooking salmon, I decided to treat myself when I went shopping and got this whole side of salmon, cut it down, heated cast iron skillet to medium high heat (with oil), seasoned the skin side, put skin side down for […]


I have no other option

I treated my body like shit for 2 days this past week. I was going through a lot of mental anguish and wanted to feel like a piece of shit, so I engaged in some self-destruction. Yesterday the cycle broke, God once again reminded me that nothing will stop my healing. Not even my own […]


I suppose I’ll try ketovore

I’m just looking to switch it up, and in the short video that I skipped through, I realize ketovore is a meat-centric diet with under 10g of carbs per day. I think moving to this for a month will be a good sample size on if I feel good and if I lose weight. We […]


Brew a cup of coffee and sit with my feelings.

I absolutely hate this season of my life, mostly because it’s uncomfortable, new, and I feel overwhelmed at times. But, and this is a big but, I am learning to be content and hopeful for the next season. One of the things I do is I keep myself busy so that I’m occupied with mindful […]