Food for thought

Binge eating my feelings away

Yikes y’all, I’ve been struggling with binge eating and it’s hard to admit, but I hope that others can relate to this as well!

Emotionally it’s been a combo of burnout/sad/happy/sexually frustrated/numb for the past month. Basically all of August was a whirlwind of emotions and although I’ve been having incredible workouts (which i’ll write about later), I’ve gained weight and I don’t like it! My tummy hurts after I binge eat carbs, ouch!

Thankfully, I recognize this weird behavior and have been meal planning and doing some intermittent fasting, which has improved my mental health, which has then improved my physical health, etc. It’s just difficult because everything is so damn expensive, and carbs are a cheap and available option, fuck capitalism! But I have been buying meat in bulk like chicken thighs, pork chops, and hamburger, in addition to a mix of eating fresh vegetables and frozen. I guess as I’m typing this out, I should try to prioritize vegetables and protein better, eh, we’ll see what I can figure out. Back to strict keto basically.

Ok now to workouts, I’ve been attempting to increase my average heart rate over longer periods of time, which basically means less rest in between weightlifting sets (I stick close to 5×5 reps) and more cardio. I wear my exercise watch so I have a lot of data to go off of, but I’ve hovered around 150 bpm heart rate for 60-90 minute workouts. I’m focusing a lot on heavy lifts still and I notice my body composition changing for the better, I just need to get this damn eating back on track. I’m pausing my creatine consumption because it retains a lot of water in the muscle and although it’s great for my mental health, I just don’t like the water retention part. I’ll bring it back sparingly.

Anywho, this has been a solid recap of transparency on my end, I tried to collate everything into this blog post so hopefully this inspires me to get my shit together.


3 replies on “Binge eating my feelings away”

I’m so proud of you for being so determined to work on your health! You are worth it <3 Ps. You inspire me my friend and I appreciate you

You are not alone sir, definitely not alone. We’ve been in this boat as well just trying to stay afloat most days. Not everyone has it as together as they may portray on social media but all we can do is take it one day at a time and not give up, especially as parents we definitely can not give up on ourselves. So hang in there and fight the good fight knowing you’re never alone on your journey🙏

If it was easy, everyone would do it. Give yourself some grace followed by a kick in the butt. JK, life’s hard, do the best you can 🤍

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