
I am a ghost

I was conditioned from a very early age that people were talking about me. That’s how I felt, I was overweight and felt like people were making fun of me for my appearance. I’m still unlearning anxiety around this by having a mantra: I am a ghost. I’m sometimes aware of what everyone around me is doing, but I give myself a pep talk, I am a ghost. No one sees me, no one cares what I do, where I go, what I look like, I’m in my head too much. I’m just living my life, I’m not a spectacle, I’m invisible, carry on. And if they are looking at me, ok, get an eyeful I suppose. I am simply making a trip to the store, I am simply going to exercise at the gym, I am simply at a park, I am a ghost. There’s no reason to have anxiety about how I’m perceived.

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