
I’m not very good at it, but that doesn’t stop me from trying

Failure is inevitable, and I’ve concluded that I can learn a lot from failure and a lot of good can come from it. With that being said, I’m not very good at building websites, this is the 2nd one I’ve built and it’s readable for now. The mobile version of the site was absolute garbage so I fixed it, hopefully that puts the nail in the coffin concerning website issues. However, I am just journaling into the abyss of the internet so I can’t be too upset. I promise there is a bigger point to this post, and that is that I want to continually do things just to see if I’m good at them. I want to learn skills, I want to try things, I want to take risks. I think Bob Ross said something similar once, that just because you’re not good at something shouldn’t stop you from trying.



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