
I have no other option

I treated my body like shit for 2 days this past week. I was going through a lot of mental anguish and wanted to feel like a piece of shit, so I engaged in some self-destruction.

Yesterday the cycle broke, God once again reminded me that nothing will stop my healing. Not even my own self destruction can stop me from flourishing into my best version, I am like a dandelion. I will keep bouncing back because I have no other option.

I am learning to love myself, and that starts by not hating myself. In a continuation of my self-care sunday post, I am finding my identity. Some good moments: I finished writing a song I’ve worked on since 2012 (it’s not very good, but it’s mine!), I did a bubbling face mask, I read and prayed some, I went to the gym, I made an amazing salmon in the cast iron (which you can see on my instagram btw), meditated, and healed from some self-hate. Praise God for removing that mentality, I have no other option but to become who the lord says I am.

ok bye


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