
Portland energy

I wrote this blog on the plane back in early November: Another spirituality post, I joked to friends that I would likely end up learning a spiritual lesson on this trip. Sure enough I learned a few… What a wild trip it was, I saw some old friends, met some new ones, and enjoyed feeding […]


Is is seasonal depression or just regular depression?

Every day at around 4pm it gets dark and it makes me lose my mind. When the darkness comes I just want to sleep forever and ever. I’ve been dealing with a lot in my personal life and some days my heart and mind are incredibly heavy and hard to bear. Today is one of […]


A reminder of mindfulness

I took a walk with my son to go see christmas lights and it was a wonderful reminder of what life is like outside of my mind. It was a nice reminder of mindfulness. So often I catch myself being anxious about things, just, life things and burnout, etc that I don’t slow down enough, […]


Slow cooker bbq chicken

The Ingredients: Boneless, skinless chicken thighs BBQ sauce (only about 2-3 Tablespoons) Sliced jalapenos Sliced onion Chili powder A few dashes of turmeric Seasoned salt Montreal steak seasoning (don’t overdo it!) The Method: Threw everything in the slow cooker on low for about 2-4 hours I think. I didn’t time it but I cooked it […]


It’s a turmeric party!

I’ve been adoring turmeric, my friend Nico on Instagram recommended it for battling inflammation and it seems to be useful as a supplement in addition to my normal vitamins. But then I thought, hey, I want curry and curried things, so I made some chicken curry (recipe here) and a week later I added some […]


Mental health progress

First of all, I feel amazing. I wrote previously that I was struggling to keep my head above water with life and although that’s still the case, I am tackling it one by one. I leave for Portland tomorrow and I’m very excited, a little vacation because traveling like this has been on my bucket […]