
Mindfulness time in the garden

Goodness I love gardening, it’s so rewarding. I think I just love creating things, am I a creator? Over the past few days (weather permitting) I’ve been out in the garden just tinkering. So far I’m growing mammoth sunflowers, cilantro, fresno chiles, and an unknown chile because I lost the seed packet. My time outside has been rewarding for a few reasons; i’m focused on the moment, I’m working with my hands, and I’m getting that sweet vitamin D.

Love/hate relationship with the rain, I love thunderstorms but yearn for the sun for my garden. I tasted my first little snippet of cilantro the other day and it was nice, it’s only about 2 inches tall but full of flavor. We recently had 10 straight days of rain however and I let that affect my mentals too much. I wasn’t overwhelmed with sadness or anything, I just was gloomy for brief periods, much like the weather. But it’s okay, I played some music, wrote, listened to music, and read, all good things to help my mentals. Oh, I also prayed for some wisdom on how to unlearn some anxious things.

I read this tweet that said something about being pressed and not getting what you are pressing for. That resonated with me because I’ve been learning to rest and not worry about things, this ties into my personal spiritual journey with God. He’s been forever good to me and rescued me from some intense shit, so I’m thankful. Focusing on rest, this is self care, me time, alone time, whatever you want to call it, it drastically improves my outlook. I continually want to operate from a place of rest.

I don’t have much else to say except I tried this keto bakery that I found on Instagram and they’re yummy, I may ask the owner if I can review her stuff.

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