
All of a sudden, I was happy.

Nearly all of my gym sessions are therapy in a way. I hate when people say that about things but what I mean is I am often very focused at the gym. I seldom get acknowledged, and I prefer it that way because I’m dealing with mental battles while I’m there. I go there to clear my head. There is a heaviness surrounding my gym routine, ya know, mental health and all.

Until today, when I walked in and I had a smile on my face, I was really excited to be there…my life is pretty boring I guess haha. I recognized it today though, after what? 12+ months? that I wasn’t constantly sad. Thank God! And it wasn’t because of a woman or something funny that happened, it was a recognition of healing. I’m falling more in love with myself and placing myself on a higher standard. I’m a high value soul.

I get so annoyed with my emotions, my awareness of them. Today, all of a sudden, I was happy.



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