
Celebrating good mental health days.

The emotional toll and workload of mental healing is often championed but I think celebrating good days are more important. I was thinking about how I haven’t journaled in a while and my head went “well you haven’t needed to recently,” and I want to change that mindset. I want to incorporate journaling with my good days too. My good mental days need to be highlighted, so I’m going to start doing that.

Doing these things often exhausts me, because of the emotional toll behind them. Journaling, praying, all these things are necessary but sometimes I don’t have the energy to do them. God has been taking me on this restful journey and as I’ve said before, the more I rest, the more I heal, that trend continues.

So that’s where I’m going to flip the narrative on these practices, the journaling and such. I’m going to start journaling away, praying, texting my friends and telling them about my good day, etc. Lately i’ve been feeling guilt about being somehow narcissistic in my mind. But God has been rescuing me from that mindset as well, it’s all self love and building my confidence.

Thanks for visiting my lil ole blog, I appreciate y’all! I got more recipes planned and got some posts I need to write out but things are good! Have a good weekend.


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