
All of a sudden, I was happy.

Nearly all of my gym sessions are therapy in a way. I hate when people say that about things but what I mean is I am often very focused at the gym. I seldom get acknowledged, and I prefer it that way because I’m dealing with mental battles while I’m there. I go there to […]


Keto gains, the stomach flu, and creatine

Today is about recovery, my son got the stomach flu on monday and then I got it on wednesday. So much puke, but we are both better now thank God. I post on my instagram about exercise often, but i’ve been weight training consistently for roughly 5 months now and it’s made a difference in […]


It’s a turmeric party!

I’ve been adoring turmeric, my friend Nico on Instagram recommended it for battling inflammation and it seems to be useful as a supplement in addition to my normal vitamins. But then I thought, hey, I want curry and curried things, so I made some chicken curry (recipe here) and a week later I added some […]


Mental health progress

First of all, I feel amazing. I wrote previously that I was struggling to keep my head above water with life and although that’s still the case, I am tackling it one by one. I leave for Portland tomorrow and I’m very excited, a little vacation because traveling like this has been on my bucket […]


Vitamin obsession

It’s kind of a running joke to myself but I will read something offhand about the benefit of some vitamin so I’ll go out and try it. It’s like russian roulette, I take a new vitamin and I’m like “ok let’s see how my body responds.” I counted all my vitamins that I take and […]


Weight loss/exercise update

After cheating multiple times last week, I did some intermittent fasting and listened to my body, which resulted in a 36 hour fast. I still can’t believe I did it, I kept busy, I drank water, coffee, and energy drinks lol, I prioritized my salt consumption and before I knew it, it was 36 hours. […]


Enjoying my body in all forms

The title pretty much says it all, but I’ve been learning a lot of grace with my body and it’s progression. I’m enjoying my body in all it’s forms and all it’s sights. I see myself in the mirror and things that used to bother me, don’t anymore. I’m glad I got to this point […]


Increasing workout frequency

My little son is now a preschooler so I’ve been using the opportunity to get caught up on work and get some exercise in. I really enjoy lifting so I try to hit that every day if my body allows, realistically I could see myself going to the gym 4 days per week, which is […]


Challenging exercise

Pushing myself and my body feels both grueling and exhilarating. It’s amazing for my mentals, the rush I feel after exercising is fantastic. I recently switched to a full body workout, no more upper body and lower body, just my entire existence getting some gains. I posted my full body workout on my instagram where […]


Ketovore sample size

Extremely small sample size, but in roughly a week of prioritizing high fat animal products I feel good! Maybe it’s placebo effect but I’m going to try it for a month solid and evaluate. About 3-4 pounds have come off so far, but that seems like water weight mostly, (the whoosh) I’ll continue to monitor. […]