
Portland energy

I wrote this blog on the plane back in early November: Another spirituality post, I joked to friends that I would likely end up learning a spiritual lesson on this trip. Sure enough I learned a few… What a wild trip it was, I saw some old friends, met some new ones, and enjoyed feeding […]


Is is seasonal depression or just regular depression?

Every day at around 4pm it gets dark and it makes me lose my mind. When the darkness comes I just want to sleep forever and ever. I’ve been dealing with a lot in my personal life and some days my heart and mind are incredibly heavy and hard to bear. Today is one of […]


A reminder of mindfulness

I took a walk with my son to go see christmas lights and it was a wonderful reminder of what life is like outside of my mind. It was a nice reminder of mindfulness. So often I catch myself being anxious about things, just, life things and burnout, etc that I don’t slow down enough, […]


Mental health progress

First of all, I feel amazing. I wrote previously that I was struggling to keep my head above water with life and although that’s still the case, I am tackling it one by one. I leave for Portland tomorrow and I’m very excited, a little vacation because traveling like this has been on my bucket […]


Mental clarity during busy times

Mental clarity is a way of preserving my peace. My goodness life has been so busy lately, it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day and it seems my workload has doubled, but my mentals are very good. Even though I feel behind on a lot of things I’m in a good mental […]


Weight loss/exercise update

After cheating multiple times last week, I did some intermittent fasting and listened to my body, which resulted in a 36 hour fast. I still can’t believe I did it, I kept busy, I drank water, coffee, and energy drinks lol, I prioritized my salt consumption and before I knew it, it was 36 hours. […]


Celebrating good mental health days.

The emotional toll and workload of mental healing is often championed but I think celebrating good days are more important. I was thinking about how I haven’t journaled in a while and my head went “well you haven’t needed to recently,” and I want to change that mindset. I want to incorporate journaling with my […]


Enjoying my body in all forms

The title pretty much says it all, but I’ve been learning a lot of grace with my body and it’s progression. I’m enjoying my body in all it’s forms and all it’s sights. I see myself in the mirror and things that used to bother me, don’t anymore. I’m glad I got to this point […]


This is healing

I’ve had a couple good days string together and I’m riding that high into some mental healing. Anxiety has been easily dealt with and I’m very hopeful about the future. that’s all i wanted to say -nathan


Increasing workout frequency

My little son is now a preschooler so I’ve been using the opportunity to get caught up on work and get some exercise in. I really enjoy lifting so I try to hit that every day if my body allows, realistically I could see myself going to the gym 4 days per week, which is […]