
I am a ghost

I was conditioned from a very early age that people were talking about me. That’s how I felt, I was overweight and felt like people were making fun of me for my appearance. I’m still unlearning anxiety around this by having a mantra: I am a ghost. I’m sometimes aware of what everyone around me […]


I hate OMAD

This stall has gone on for about a year now, and I’m sick of it lol. I did absolutely zero research before I tried OMAD but I jumped in, did it a couple days and felt miserable. Of course I likely did something wrong, but I didn’t fell well. So I’m replacing with fasting, I […]


The bulldog man at the gym.

I saw this guy at the gym recently, and he was fascinating. I approached him because I wanted to use the tricep machine and asked if he was on it. For whatever reason, I saw him as a future version of myself. He was probably in his 70s, gray hair, but built like a retired […]


Let’s fucking go!

I can’t hide my enthusiasm for the switch being flipped. The switch into a positive headspace, we outchea! Today I’m screaming healing and God’s kindness towards me. I’m owning my shit, owning my need to heal, owning myself and my vibe. Ugh it’s been too long since I journaled, but I felt it was neglected […]


Receiving the benefits

Many thoughts will be poured out in this post, so I hope you’re ok with that. First of all, I want to talk about pre-workout and a funny story, then I want to talk about mental health and things i’ve learned this week, then I want to post a couple recipes too. Pre-workout Short PSA, […]


Communion with the Lord

I don’t speak much on my spirituality except for with the people in my circle, but God is so fucking good to me. One of my best friends pokes fun at me for my email address containing the phrase, god is good, lmao. I see evidence of God all throughout my life and He’s really […]


I’m not very good at it, but that doesn’t stop me from trying

Failure is inevitable, and I’ve concluded that I can learn a lot from failure and a lot of good can come from it. With that being said, I’m not very good at building websites, this is the 2nd one I’ve built and it’s readable for now. The mobile version of the site was absolute garbage […]


Learning to rest.

Healing requires rest, God wants me to rest. I simply will focus on everything he has shown me, which is his goodness. I’m good.


I’ve been fucking up.

I’ve been snacking way too much, not being mindful of my intake either because of this weird schedule i’ve found myself in. But, hope is not lost, I saw this coming, and it’s easy to get back on track. You know what the root is right? We gotta tackle the root of……..*drumroll please*…. my MENTALS! […]


Resolve for the season.

Hello, I have settled on my resolve for the spring/summer season: refresh. A couple months back I listened to a meditation where the instructor mentioned a resolve to focus on. That really resonates with me because I think it’s important to have hope and manifest things and having a phrase in mind helps guide our […]