
Mental health progress

First of all, I feel amazing. I wrote previously that I was struggling to keep my head above water with life and although that’s still the case, I am tackling it one by one. I leave for Portland tomorrow and I’m very excited, a little vacation because traveling like this has been on my bucket […]


Mental clarity during busy times

Mental clarity is a way of preserving my peace. My goodness life has been so busy lately, it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day and it seems my workload has doubled, but my mentals are very good. Even though I feel behind on a lot of things I’m in a good mental […]


Celebrating good mental health days.

The emotional toll and workload of mental healing is often championed but I think celebrating good days are more important. I was thinking about how I haven’t journaled in a while and my head went “well you haven’t needed to recently,” and I want to change that mindset. I want to incorporate journaling with my […]


Nathan’s great pepper harvest 2021

It is that time folks, harvesting a lot of peppers from my garden, which you can see on my instagram. I started back in February with Fresno and OG Pepper X seeds. Then I bought a ghost pepper plant on clearance in May/June from a hardware store. The rabbits have attempted to decimate my OG […]


Proud of who God made me

Im well aware that I’m dramatic, emotional, clingy, and i’m proud of that. I am who I am, I’ve been this way for years, it’s up to others to decide if I’m worth it. God has told me I’m worth it so if people don’twant to be in my circle, then it’s their loss. God […]


Had a mental breakdown yesterday lol

I have recently allowed myself the opportunity to act completely insane. Maybe that’s an exaggeration because I am dramatic after all but yesterday I was a mess, and I’m proud of it because I got some healing out of it. There’s a lot the general public didn’t see, and that was the war going on […]


Brew a cup of coffee and sit with my feelings.

I absolutely hate this season of my life, mostly because it’s uncomfortable, new, and I feel overwhelmed at times. But, and this is a big but, I am learning to be content and hopeful for the next season. One of the things I do is I keep myself busy so that I’m occupied with mindful […]


Self care sunday

Saw something on Instagram yesterday that hit me with a wave of sadness out of nowhere. I wanted to get rid of this feeling so I decided to pray and journal, and I had an epiphany in terms of my self-care. Here’s what I wrote: I need to start thinking of myself less as a […]


I hate OMAD

This stall has gone on for about a year now, and I’m sick of it lol. I did absolutely zero research before I tried OMAD but I jumped in, did it a couple days and felt miserable. Of course I likely did something wrong, but I didn’t fell well. So I’m replacing with fasting, I […]


The bulldog man at the gym.

I saw this guy at the gym recently, and he was fascinating. I approached him because I wanted to use the tricep machine and asked if he was on it. For whatever reason, I saw him as a future version of myself. He was probably in his 70s, gray hair, but built like a retired […]